
Web Features That May Not Work As You’d Expect

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As the web gets more and more capable, developers are able to make richer online experiences. There are times, however, where some new web capabilities may not work as you would expect in the interest of usability, security and privacy.

I have run into situations like this. Like lazy loading in HTML. It’s easy to drop that attribute onto an image element only to realize… it actually needs more than that to do its thing. We’ll get into that specific one in a moment as we look at a few other features that might not work exactly as you‘d expect.

This is the first post I’ve written for an online web dev publication. I’m embarassed to say that it took 6 months to get it out, but here it is! Thanks to Geoff and Chris for helping me with this! I do hope to write more content for other publications throughout the rest of the year.

Postscript 6 October 2021: I discovered that Paint Workers are disabled in anchors because of that CSS history attack I mentioned.