
My First Chrome Extension: The Story of QuickPush

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Over Christmas, I got bored so I decided to use the skills I picked up whilst learning front end development. To do this, I made a QuickPush, a Chrome Extension which searches for music on Spotify.

While I have made a Chrome Extension before, I procrastinated on it for so long that by the time I wanted to finish it, the website’s HTML changed. With my new found curiosity, I decided to take another shot at making a Chrome Extension.

Step 0: The Idea

I like trap music. So much so that I would watch obnoxious YouTube videos1 just to expand my playlist of trap songs. When I heard a song I liked, I would have to pull out my phone and search for it. This Chrome Extension would allow me to search for songs without having to leave my web browser. A first world problem, but a problem I could solve.

Figuring Out How Chrome Extensions Work

To start off with, I installed the unsupported Chrome Dev Editor as it would create the files I would need for the project. While the files were set up, I didn’t understand what any of the boilerplate code was supposed to do.

At this point, I decided to read the [official documentation] to get an idea of what I was supposed to do. At the same time, I followed a tutorial by Gabe Berke-Williams. Eventually, I was able to get an idea of what all the files did. The files were,

  • manifest.json defines the extensions metadata which contains the name, accompanying scripts, permissions, assets etc.,
  • background.js is an optional file which allows the extension to work with the Chrome Browser’s features, like opening a new tab. It also allows extensions to communicate with various content.js scripts
  • content.js is another optional file which is needed to manipulate a web page. An extension can have many content.js files.
  • popup.html, popup.js, popup.style are needed to manipulate popups. This is what I spent most of my time manipulating while making QuickPush.

Learning how to use Spotify’s Web API

Note: As of July 2017, Spotify changed access control to their API, so these examples won’t work without an OAuth Token

At first, I wanted to include both SoundCloud and Spotify, but the SoundCloud API was really hard to use. I might add SoundCloud in the future.

Using Spotify’s API, specifically the /v1/search endpoint, I would be able to search Spotify for a given song. The search endpoint requires

  • A URI encoded2 query and,
  • An item type which could either be a track, album, playlist or artist.

Optionally, you can specify

  • where to start listing results with an offset. Useful when you want to get additional search results beyond your specified limit,
  • A limit to how many results you want to return (default at 5, maximum at 50), and
  • The target market you want to search and
  • An OAuth token if a market is needed.

As an example, let’s say that you want to search this catchy song[VIDEO]. To do that, you will send an AJAX request to


The above will query for a track called Never Gonna Give You Up limited to 2 results.

I made an AJAX request like so,

//The following code submits a search request to Spotify
 var spotifySearchUrl = "https://api.spotify.com/v1/search?query=$query&offset=0&limit=50&type=track"; //This is Spotify's search uri

 function submitSearch() {
        var searchTerm = encodeURIComponent(query.value);//encodes the query
        var search = spotifySearchUrl.replace(/\$query/, searchTerm);//Adds the query to the URI
        //This is the AJAX stuff
        var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
        xhttp.onreadystatechange = function () {
            if (xhttp.readyState == 4 && xhttp.status == 200) {
                var responseText = JSON.parse(xhttp.responseText); //This turns the resulting JSON into a JS string
                renderSpotifySong(responseText);//This will pur the results onto the page
        xhttp.open("GET", search, true);

If all goes well, you should get the following response

               "name":"The Best Of",
                  "name":"Rick Astley",
            "name":"Never Gonna Give You Up",
               "name":"Whenever You Need Somebody",
                  "name":"Rick Astley",
            "name":"Never Gonna Give You Up",

If you remember seeing JSON.parse(xttp.responseText), JSON.parse() converts the the response JSON into a JavaScript object. With this object, we can then render the information into the popup.

Making the Extension

Having understood how Chrome extensions are structures as well as how to use the Spotify API, I was able to put it all together. For HTML, I decided to keep it very simple.

<!-- This code is how a song will render on the page -->
<div class="song spotify temp"><img class="cover" src="http://www.isaacjewelers.com/img/cms/VersaceB.png">
            <ul class="song_info">
                <li class="song_name">This is an unessesarily long ass song title so that I can see </li>
                <li class="song_artist">Artist A, Artist B, Artist C, Artist D, Artist E, Artist FFFFFFFFFFFFF</li>
                <li class="provider"><a href="#" title="See on Spotify" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-spotify"></i></a></li>
            <div class="actions">
                <button type="button" class="btn addSong" id="$trackId"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i></button>
                <button type="button" class="btn preview play" id="$previewURL"> <i class="fa fa-play"></i></button>

Each song will be represented by a <div> 3 containing the song’s cover art, an unordered list with the song’s information as well as another <div> containing buttons to hear a preview of the song and to add it to a user’s library.

While the HTML was easy to set up, styling the CSS proved difficult. Serves me right for lacking creativity.

Many hours later, I got something which looked halfway decent, with the help of vw units and flex boxes. Cross-browser support wasn’t much of a problem since I only intend on supporting Chrome for some reason I can’t explain.

A picture of the UI

Eh… good enough.

With the UI covered, it was time to work on the logic in popup.js. This is how it works.

  1. It gets a search query from the search bar using a listener which listens for new key presses and searches as you type4.
  2. The search bar’s value serves as the input to the function submitSearch() function which performs the search using the code in the section Making the Extension.
  3. The search results are then parsed by the renderSpotifySongs() function before they are rendered to the DOM with
  4. addToDOM which uses pattern matching to put information onto the popup using a template. It also adds an audioHandler

If you need clarification, ask me. Otherwise, this blog post is already quite long and I need to move on5. The source code, which I tried to tidy up and explain as best I could, is available on GitHub.

Testing the extension was just a matter of trial and error. I would try a thing and if it worked, yay. Otherwise, I would go back and hack through the code.


Once version 0.5016 was online, I committed the code and pushed it onto GitHub. In order to get the app on the store, I needed to give Google $5, upload a zip file with my code and add a (really bad) description and image. In the week it’s been up, it has had 0 installs.

What’s In Store For Version 1

While this works as an MVP, I still want to do more stuff, such as

  • integrating SoundCloud since it has a more diverse set of trap music compared to Spotify. SoundCloud’s API needed client credentials in order to use it. I didn’t know how to hide them, so I left it for another day.
  • allowing users to download songs on SoundCloud if they’re available for download on SoundCloud
  • allowing users to save songs to Spotify. Right now, users have to click the Spotify logo under a search result to open the Spotify Desktop App in order to save a song. I tried to do this, but I needed to work with OAuth, which I don’t understand.

Hopefully, I can get all this done in two weeks.


Wow, you’re awesome! You read this article right to the end. The code can be found on GitHub.

  1. Farai from 2017 speaking. While I still like trap music, montage parodies have become terrible, mainly because of how the creators who defined the medium have left who put a lot of effort into their videos. ↩︎

  2. URI encoding refers to substituting certain reserved characters for a coded equivalent. For example, a space would be converted to %20↩︎

  3. It’s 2017 Farai again. Turns out that that it would have been better to use a <template> tag instead of putting the markup in a string because of HTML5 and semantic elements. ↩︎

  4. Technically this was a bug, but I made it a feature. I wouldn’t recommend this since it’s a good way to reach a 429 Error from making too many requests to their API. ↩︎

  5. I could have just delayed posting this blog post and spent more time improving it. I really need to proofread. ↩︎

  6. Can someone explain how to version software to me? I feel like I’m just randomly incrementing numbers. ↩︎